Steve Wozniak values at apple:
"We put out manuals that had just hundreds of pages of listings of code, descriptions of circuits, examples of boards that you would plug in—so that anyone could look at this and say, “Now I know how I would do my own.” They could type in the programs on their own Apple II and then see “that’s how that works” instantly, and know how to write their own programs.
Running cards was the most important thing. All these companies started up making cards that you could plug into your Apple II and write a little software (mostly games at first) on cassette tapes. You’d go to the store and they’d just have all this stuff that you could buy to enhance the Apple II.
So one of our big keys to success was that we were very open. There’s a big world out there for other people to come and join us."
Steve Wozniak in "Founders at Work" by Jessica Livingston.
source: type: socialThe Unauthorized Story of Andreessen Horowitz | Hacker News
The Unauthorized Story of Andreessen Horowitz | Hacker News